Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Little Time...Where do I fit in?

I have found that the most frustrating thing about running is finding the time to do it. When you work a 45+ hour week and have a kid and a husband to take care of, not to mention two dogs and three cats, finding the time to get a run in is difficult. Thankfully I have been able to squeeze some short runs in on my work days. This I am thankful for. However, I am in need of kicking the mileage up a notch or two. Now where am I going to find the time for that? Maybe if I check eBay...

Okay I am off that soapbox about time. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I am still on my running streak. So far so good for the year 2013! I normally have a day or three of rest planned so this is a new adventure for me. Suitably though this streak fits in with my wackiness. I tend to do things gung-ho style and I will go all out. My concern is burn out. I really do not want to get burnt out on one of my "self helps", (as a therapist I need self care techniques or I will go coo-coo for cocoa puffs if you know what I mean).

Running is used as a self care, or self help technique for those crazy days where I have a lot of transference going on with my clients. I tend to hear a lot of crazy stuff and sometimes really traumatic stuff. I need to be able to compartmentalize what I am hearing and running helps me to do that. So you can see why I have a fear of burn out. My guess is that is why I have kept my mileage low during this streak. In my mind as long as I keep  my mileage low I won't get burnt out. I will keep my fingers crossed! :-)

On the subject of self care, (something other than running...WATCH OUT WORLD!!!), I also use the technique of Zentangling or tangling. This is a kind of doodling that one can learn that will keep you focused or in the moment. I find it incredibly helpful for self care. While some of the examples may look difficult, the technique is actually so easy. All of the designs and patterns are repetitive. If you can draw a stick figure you can doodle using this technique. Here are some of mine...

A Christmas card

Down time at home

Classroom doodle

This pattern is called Betweed

Made when I was having an anxiety attack. This doodle snapped me out of it.

THIS is my tag line. LIVE FULL COLOR!!

So while running is great I sometimes need to have some sit and quiet time. Although I also do my tangling during trainings, while listening to a podcast, sitting in a class, or sometimes just because I feel like my thoughts are unorganized and need to get grounded.

These are some of the things I love to do that help me to take care of me. I wanted to pass these things on to you. I will periodically toss out different things as I write entries  Because if we don't take care of ourselves...who will?? We might as well have some fun while we do it right??

Happy running...or tangling...or doodling...or skydiving... <3

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New year...new goals...

So first off let me apologize for not being around for the past couple of months. The holidays...yadda yadda yadda.

With that being said...HAPPY NEW YEAR! And a happy one it will be too. I can promise you all that this year will be so much better than 2012. Although 2012 was not all bad. I ran my first and second half marathon AND beat my goal times. I ran in my first mini-ultra which was a blast and now I am hooked. And last but not least...I got a PR for my 10K time. So yes, 2012 brought some good adventure as well and I am looking forward to more.

I have already signed up for a few races for 2013. The Shires of Vermont Marathon is in mid-May seems promising and beautiful with literally no elevation gain. I am running the Covered Bridges Half Marathon in June for the Upper Valley Haven in Hartford, VT. (Please be aware that I will be fundraising for this run!) My ultimate goal will be the VT50 in September. There will be a lot of running between now and then to get ready for that. Thankfully I have the Streakers! group to help me stay running and motivated.

The goal of the Streakers! is to run at least 2 miles every day for the month of January and into February if possible. (Thank you Sherpa John for creating this group and challenge!) Each day is to be documented.
There is an optional naked mile to be ran on January 31st. I am still unsure how I feel about being naked in frigid New Hampshire weather, let alone having to have photo proof that I did it. First of all I believe that sports bras were invented for a reason. I like to have my girls firmly squished against my chest when running. I don't appreciate a lot of movement up there. Secondly, I am not sure who wants to see my backside all shiny, white, and covered with goosebumps running/streaking down the road in only running shoes, gloves, and a hat. I mean seriously, where in the hell am I suppose to put my iPod!!?? Wait...do not answer that. PLEASE.

Well then...
So far I have completed two days of my running streak. Day one was great. I completed 3.38 miles in 32:28. Not too bad for not having ran in over a month due to life and holidays. Day two was...how shall I explain it...DAMN COLD. It was 4 degrees when I left my house and the wind chill was around -8. I had icicles hanging off my eyelashes. I ran a measly 2.69 miles in 26:41. Not as fast and I blame the cold and headwind. (Hey I can blame who and what I want to thank you!!) My husband waited for me to get home and had a warm towel right out of the dryer for me. It was a welcomed sight and helped to thaw my face.
I can only imagine what tonight's run will be like. Last I checked it was -11 outside. Goody.

Ok well I am done rambling for now. I am off to prepare for tonight and my thawing out process to follow.

Happy feet are running feet!!