Monday, April 8, 2013

Running, Self Care, Growth, and a Phenomenal Story!

I don’t think it is any surprise to anyone that this blog is about self care and growth. In my line of work I need to be diligent about my own self care as well as teach my clients tools that they can use for the same purpose. Through this learning comes growth. That just stands to reason.

With that said, I just finished reading The Summit Seeker by Vanessa Runs. This book…how shall I say it…is INCREDIBLE.

First off I have to say that I could not put it down from the moment that I first opened it. How could I not when Gordy Ainsleigh wrote the forward of this book? Seeing who Vanessa is through his eyes was a fantastic way to start the book off. It was apparent right from the beginning that this woman has a full love of life and especially the trails regardless of the pain it brings because in the end it always equals joy.

Vanessa writes about her life and how running has carried her through life. In an essence, this book is all about self care, growth, healing, and finding who you are as a person. What an amazing process to be able to share with the world.

Vanessa’s story is riveting, shocking, heartbreaking, fun, ecstatic, crazy, suffocating, triumphant and raw. Her soul is bared through her running. Through losses great and small, triumphs, and love, it is not long into the book that you can see that Vanessa IS running and such a free spirit.

I think what I liked most about this book was being able to experience how Vanessa was able to face, beat down, and overcome obstacles in her life. I mean, we all have obstacles and even though not all of us are runners, we all have SOMETHING that can help us to regain some sense of self and self worth. I learned that from reading this book.

I was instantly drawn into the world that Vanessa describes and I found myself wanting to go out and attack the nearest peak I could. With that said, Thank you Vanessa for sharing your story. And thank you for telling the world that we all have something that can help us fight against the obstacles that sometimes weight us down.

To get a copy of Vanessa’s book you can find it on Amazon 


Peace Ya’ll!


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I am always looking for a great read this sounds very inspiring.

    1. It truely is! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I am actually reading it AGAIN!

  2. What a great review! Thanks.


  3. Hello Jennifer,
    Just a quick email to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘anytime’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners #Marathoners #FitnessProfessionals who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned for support…)

    All the very best to you & your family for 2013 & beyond Jennifer. Look forward to hearing from you…

